My husband and I are not blessed to have children but we certainly love hanging out with our nieces, nephews, and all or friends little ones. Who better to model your words/actions “The Golden Rule” than the little ones around you. They will certainly “parrot” all of the phrases and actions that perhaps you only want to be seen and said behind closed doors. You know what I am talking about and either you are giggling right now or shaking your head in remembrance of an incident at the grocery story or your little saying a four letter word or catching them having a one-on-one in-depth conversation with your pastor of a story about mommy or daddy.
My mother talks about a story when I was a toddler riding around in the grocery cart. My mom dropped a can of soup and out of my sweet little face came “oh, S_ _ T. My mother was horrified as the lady in the aisle said, ” at least she said it in context of the situation.” Oh MY! This was an opportunity for my mom to evaluate character and lead to a higher success in our home. I know this is a simplistic story but applied to your daily interaction with your team, where should you be evaluating character to lead to success?
Character of what you say and do in humble honesty opens opportunities for you in the future. It is The Law of the Ladder, Character Growth Determines the Height of Your Personal Growth. Character is something you are today, and you have the ability to change your circumstances by achieving something inside yourself. When circumstances change within, circumstances change outside as well.
The values of character have been studied and in most nations the number one character value admired in leaders is honesty. Norman Scharzkopf states, Ninety-nine percent of leadership failures are failures of character. Character growth is the Law of the Ladder, the higher your character the higher your growth and people willing to follow you.
Ask yourself and your team to dig deep to evaluate character and lead to greater growth:
- Focus on being better on the inside than on thee outside – character matters
- Follow the golden rule – people matter
- Teach what you believe – passion matters (borrowed beliefs leave you powerless and passionless)
- Value humility above all virtues – perspective matters
- Big Picture
- Be Teachable
- Serve Others
- Be Grateful
- Finish Well – faithfulness matters
Taking evaluated experience into your character will explode your growth in opportunities you did not see before and or perhaps opportunities others did not trust you with before. This means keeping your core beliefs and integrity when it is the right thing for the right reason even when others disagree or looking to take short cuts. Short cuts always lead to more work at the end because the solid foundation has not been built for significant success to stand on.
Habit is the daily battleground of character. ~ Dan Coats
Climb the ladder of significance with the comfort of evaluated character. I guarantee a difference in the opportunities given to you and the strength of your team will explode! Not sure where to start , please feel free to contact me!
Want to learn more? Click Below:
- Law of Ladder: GRACEbreak Radio
- 8 Week Course: Making your life “present to your potential”
- Level UP Mentorship™
Look UP & OUT!
Tracy Worley
John C. Maxwell (2012). 15 Invaluable Laws of Ladder, Chap9. Tracy A. Worley (2015) GRACEbreak Radio