Be a HERO, Connect Over Coffee

TT TAlk Tuesday's

Tis the season to be crazy.

Be a hero and invite someone for a cup of coffee, hot chocolate, or perhaps a hot toddy. Everyone needs a few minutes of respite…be the hero!

“Create clients, collaboration partners, and community meaningful to you one conversation at a time.” ~ Tracy Worley

Masterminding Mondays

How do you make people feel?

Legacy is what people will say and remember about you when you are not in the room.


Think about the wake trailing a boat in water. Depending on the speed and intention the wake can reach far and wide. The wake can be soft or turbulent. It is a choice for your wake to be a positive influence or a negative one.

You can start making adjustments today to influence the outcome of lasting relationships meaningful not only to you but to the community at large left in your wake.

Below are a few questions to ask yourself for reflection:

  • What are people saying about you?
  • What would you like people to say and remember about you?
  • Do people revel in the your presence in the room or repel?
  • Are you influencing with relationship or influencing with position?

Look Up & Out, Tracy Worley

Accountability Creates Results Only Others Dream Of

Mastermind Monday's

Who or what do you use as an accountability track to keep you in the main lane of success?

SHARE: share your tips and tricks on accountability practices, partnerships, and the like. 

Tip: look at your calendar, take inventory of people, places, and things not lending to your lane of success. Then adapt, adopt, and delete people, places, and things that create momentum and synergies to your goals.



Gratitude is Everything

Gratitude is Riches, Complaint is Poverty ~ Doris Day

In America we have our annual feast of food, family, friends, and now commercial gluttony.

Last Holiday season everyone in our family received a journal to write what we are grateful. Each night at dinner we would share those grateful thoughts written down. Some days it was a rinse and repeat from the day or weeks before. What I found is we let the daily grind and outside influences take place of our daily journal. Today we will start anew!

Are you in the hustle of to-do lists, deadlines, and forgetting details of the day where there are gifts and miracles surrounding us minute by minute? Most of us have more than we need, from running water, warm beds, clean clothes, shoes purchased just for our feet, to the freedom of choice in entertainment, to freely walking to our local park to shoot hoops without fear.

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. ~ Albert Einstein

My wish and prayer for you is to find the miracles in your day.

I am grateful for all of you, your gifts, and everything you share with your global communities.

Look Up & Out,
Tracy Worley


Fire It Up Friday | 7

Summer 2017 Series Episode 7

Adventure Entrepreneur

Are you packed and ready?

Life is an advance and ordinary life has a way of sweeping us away into schedules where we are over-booked!

We end up over booked and in the “acquiring things” race. Do not get me wrong “things” are great, a privilege, and makes our lives more comfortable.

Adventure is:

  • Finding new ways to connect
  • Going to a new restaurant (change of environment)
  • Taking a new route to work
  • Stepping out of “normal”

Find adventure in the adventure in the messiness of your life. An example is my messiness of area’s of too organized and unorganized. There is adventure in both; choose adventure!

Find adventure in everything, everyday, making the ORDINARY an ADVENTURE!

Embrace  your own adventure, choose messy hair!

CHALLENGE: step out of your “schedule” and pack a bag to find adventure in  your daily everything’s!

Thank you for joining me on our Summer Fire It Up Friday Series.

Look Up & Out, 
Tracy Worley

Fire It Up Friday | 5

Summer 2017 Series Episode 5

Are the cool kids holding you back? Is comparison robbing you of joy?

You all have unique gifts and talents from your experience, knowledge, education, community, and so on. Your voice matters!

I challenge you to tap deeper into your hearts desires.

  • What is your heart yearning for?
  • Do you feel there is something else?
  • What do you hold back and/or not speak up about?
  • Are you stuck in comparing where you to where others are?

If you answered even a “maybe” it is time to dig deeper into your hearts desires and re-set your own course to joy and a fulfilled life. A known truth is your heart is never wrong.

Still not sure where to start? Join me here every Friday or contact us for resources for your unique need to step on out with your crow bar.

Thank you for joining me on our Summer Fire It Up Friday Series.

Look Up & Out, 
Tracy Worley

Thank you for joining me on our Summer Fire It Up Friday Series.

Look Up & Out, 
Tracy Worley

Fire It Up Friday | 4

Summer 2017 Series Episode 4

Be Selfish to be Selfless!


Loving Friday’s with all of you! Last Friday of June and we are ramping up to a juicy series. Today challenge yourself to find area’s to be selfish so you can add more value to others and be selfless.

God has blessed each and every one of you with combined gifts and talents no one else can bring to the table. We are meant to be individuals to serve the world as a whole.

My selfish story: a few years ago in Columbus, Ohio I had an opportunity to learn from renowned business coach. We were sitting in a small group of about five in a circle. The coach went around and asked us all questions, and then we masterminded on a few topics. From there this coach proceeded to look me straight in the eye and stated, “you need to be more selfish.” My immediate response was discomfort and tears (I rarely ever cry or in public for that matter).

Basically, put your oxygen mask on first!

Great coaches implement a delicate balance of  not pushing you off the edge while letting you find discomfort in problem solving or transforming to the next level of your success. Being “selfish” is one of those examples of discomfort so you can transform into next step. Break down your resistance for a moment of discomfort to transform to the next level. 

In the video I talked about being at the table. What this means is are you serving people and places you have no business adding value to? Is it your time to be at the table?

Few questions for yourself:

  • Are you sitting at the right table?
  • Can you voice your boundaries clearly and effectively?
  • When serving do I walk away with a full cup or an empty one?

Selfish and selfless leads to one core tool and that is your voice. Use your voice to create boundaries into selfless opportunities to serve within your gifts. The world needs what you have to offer; speak up!

Thank you for joining me on our Summer Fire It Up Friday Series.

Look Up & Out, 
Tracy Worley

Dream Your Dream

Red Shoe Courage Workshop

Dream, Vision, and Plan beyond today!

In 2013 I had a dream, vision, and then made a plan and that was to share my story to lift others to a better tomorrow. As you grow up into adulthood the dreaming “button” gets hidden and I am here to tell you there is not such thing as you are too old to be a “dreamer”. We are NEVER too old to dream, vision, and plan beyond today.

This weekend I had the utmost pleasure and blessing to pour into a group of extraordinary ladies during the signature event From Grace to Red Shoe Courage. And the following is just one a few outpouring of Gods grace during the event as hearts were stirred up, spirits were lifted, and old truths were shed!

God delights in your purposeful passion. Dream your dream and change your today for the tomorrow’s God desires for you! “There is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live…This is the gift of God.” ECC: 3:12-14 NIV

This is a note posted regarding the event and my dream in 2013 was to serve those who love what I do, value what I do, and let me dream my dream.

“Shout out to Tracy Worley! I was so blessed to participate in her Grace to Red Shoe Courage Workshop last night and today! She has the ability to tell her story, focus on truth telling scripture and help the attendees draw closer to God and release strongholds! Time and time again I’m in awe of the amazing women God has put in my life! It was great to attend the event with  and many new friends! Make sure you don’t miss Tracy’s next event!!” Shelly Wear

“It was incredible! I’m so glad I got to go last night, but sorry I missed today.” Stephanie Neil Gaertig

Remember to dream your dream and not live someone else’s!

Look UP and OUT!

Tracy Worley