Fire It Up Friday | 1

Summer 2017 Series Episode 1

Summer is here! Even though Summer Solstice has not come yet; schools are letting out, sunshine is drawing us outdoors, and attention to goals diminish.

It is normal to have a hit of nostalgia and be drawn to the warmth of the sun. What I have found with clients and myself enjoying the summer; professional goals slide off track.


Here are a few things to consider to keeping your goals on track:

  1. One Word
    • Changing one word can change your world and vision for what is possible. Change up the statement “I plan” to “I will” or to ” I am”. Our minds are beautiful in setting sub-conscious intentions when we state what and where we want to be in current circumstance.
  2. Main Thing
    • Keep the main thing the main thing. You will have several higher objectives for the year and quarters. Look at your calendar and see if there are people, places, and things setting you off course of your main thing.
  3. Everything is Measurable
    • From phone calls, emails, social media, client satisfaction, team engagement, learning new skills, deleting old skills; everything is measurable.
    • Not sure how or what to measure? Let’s start a conversation and I can help you and it will help others too.

Remember, what you are passionate about is a calling. Are you stepping forward in word, main thing, and measurable’s to make it happen?

Thank you for joining me on our Summer Fire It Up Friday Series.

Look Up & Out, 
Tracy Worley

Customer Service IS Your Brand

Engaging clients in a meaningful way is your brand.

Did you know customer service is your brand?

This past week I experienced two significant customer service scenarios. As providers we forget clients are humans and remember first and foremost how we made them feel.

Your clients can and will purchase product/services from competitors. Clients will do so even if your competitor’s product is inferior to yours; where clients feel valued is where they will purchase.  

The first is I called our phone provider for service. I was on the phone for over 40 minutes with no resolution to our issue. At this juncture I had to jump off the call to make my coaching client call. I went to a local store for help and again no resolution. As a human being these are hours I cannot get back and “no” return on my time. How did I resolve our issue? I called the phone manufacture directly and they took care of me promptly, with care, and had a replacement the next day. We are now under serious consideration to move our business elsewhere as this company is consistent in not caring for clients.

The second customer service experience is with a direct product company. I have been a customer with them for about seven years and certainly have not spent as much money or years with them as I have with our phone provider. My experience with the call was prompt, courteous, and resolved my human-error issue without judgment. I received great care and concern for my order. I walked away with a huge return on my time as this conversation was less than 15 minutes and I felt like a winner.

This brings me to your brand. How you and your employees show up is your brand and how referrals if any will be passed forward.  Here are a few things to consider:

  • Does your organization take action in what you say you will do?
  • Does your organization go out of your way to welcome clients?
  • Does your organization stay in contact with previous clients?
  • Does your organization empower your clients to succeed with your product and/or service?
  • How do clients feel when they have shopped or received your services?
  • Biggie! What are you and your employees posting on social media?

If you want to know more please feel free to reach out to us. We have several tools you could easily implement to glean client satisfaction. From here you can build a strategy for strong brand communication.

Look Up & Out,

Tracy Worley

Are You Leading Under Fitbit Rules; Finding The Pulse Of The People?

I love people watching and am keen observer of their actions. Two of my higher level strengths is connecting and relating. These two strengths are so strong and developed that at a networking event I can tell you who belongs to who, who is avoiding who, and who doesn’t belong to who but spending a lot of time together.

FitbitLeadership Tracy Worley

Don’t worry I do not share your secrets. I have discovered and noticed as an increasing technology society we are leading our lives under Fitbit rules. These are just a few ways society is being led by technology.

  • When to take action (beeps when you have been sitting for an hour)
  • Calculating goals for you (calculates what your goals should be)
  • Celebration (lets you know when you have reached your daily goal)
  • Pulse, Sleep (keeps track of your pulse, sleep habits, calories, etc.)
  • Distance (lets you know if you have made the distance goal, redundancy implied)

My question to you as a leader, are you finding the pulse of your people?

People do not know where they are going unless goals and the path are laid out. When goals and the path is not clear; people set their own goals, or end up somewhere else.  “People need responsibility, they resist assuming it, but they cannot get along without it.” ~ John Steinbeck

As a leader of “self” what actions are you not fol
lowing through on? Your actions are being shown in large lights and even in Fitbit rules your actions are shown with a back-light in the dark. There is not hiding your leading actions, so again I ask as a leader of “self” what actions are you not following through on? 

“The world has a habit of making room for the person whose words and actions show that he knows where he is going.” ~ Napleon Hill

Below are five areas of connection and caring actions to bring into the bright lights of your leadership. The pulse of the people is hungry for strong leaders without oppression and modeling success with transparent integrity.

  1. Consistent in Challenging your team: create goals for them and push toward the next level of success
  2. Cheerful Confidence believing in their talents: bring people into their strengths and they will start believing in their success too.
  3. Creative Conversation leads to innovation: bring shifts to conversation to bring back sanity from the insanity of having the same conversation bringing the same results.
  4. Commit to leading yourself and others: invest in adding value by education, growth-opportunities, coaching, mentorship programs, etc. . . .
  5. Communicate Clearly and speak truth: crucial conversation with brings about a quicker shift in success for you, your people and the organization.

Change the pulse of your people to healthy conversation around the water cooler, if you do not give them knowledge, goals, and sustainable actions they will make it up, gossip, or go somewhere else. “All human beings by nature desire to know.” ~ Aristotle

In “celebration hands” I applaud you and celebrate your success!

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

It’s Monday Do You Know Where Your Employees Are

Employee Engagement

Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential, tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential personally and professionally.

Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential, Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.

Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.

But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential. Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see. These gifts give her the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.

Monday’s are important to connect with your team to set the tone, action, and belief this week is just as important as Admin Stafflast.

Connection does not take a lot of your time out of the scheme of disengaged employees as Gallup states is 70%. Below are a few ways to break the ice, connect, and let all your employees know you appreciate the value they bring to the organization.

Trust Me It Works!

  • Drop by each cubicle and just say hello (too many employees, then take bite sizes through the week)
    • Connection, they know they are important enough for your time
  • Create a Round-table(s) to connect weekly
    • Each week is a different topic, and everyone has 2 minutes to share their feelings, opinions, and experience
    • More about Round-Tables
  • Monthly excursions
    • This maybe a lunch outside of the office
    • Bowling
    • Hiking
    • A stroll around your office grounds or a local park
    • Go to the zoo
    • Bring in a speaker to motivate, inspire, and empower
      • You can find someone in your community or if budget allows bring someone in that resonates with any pain points you are experiencing
    • Laughter
      • Laugher is the healing compound and the B12 shot for any organization and team
        • Is there levity allowed in the office
        • Is there a place where your team members can go to blow off steam through laughing, crying, and supporting each other

These are just a few ideas of connecting and creating a culture of sustained employee engagement and loyalty. Ninety percent of people leave an organization because of people. I challenge you to be the 10% where people do not leave because of other people but because you engaged, mentored, and gave them value to find bigger and better opportunities.

Begin creating a culture of; mentoring, engaging, and adding value to groom them to leave hits most of us in the big old’ PRIDE button. Some of you are asking or stopped reading; why would I want to groom them to leave? My question is why wouldn’t you? Engaged employees who have been valued, mentored, and engaged are your biggest advocates outside of your organization.

Challenge Question: How many cubicles will you visit today?

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

  • Tracy Worley (2015) Authentic Leadership, Authentic Self
  • Tracy Worley (2015) Potential² Roundtables™
  • Tracy A. Worley (2015) GRACEbreak Radio

5 Ways to Authentic Leadership

Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential, tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential personally and professionally.

Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential, Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.

Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.

But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential. Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see. These gifts give her the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.

Authentic leadership is moving past the paralysis of perfection; keep moving forward with intentional belief success is yours. When I coach executives and teams on projects, 99% of the time what is holding them back to gleaning extraordinary success is the mindset of perfection. I call this the paralysis of perfection; you remain the same and glean the same results because you are unable to move forward.

Waiting for perfection often leaves you at the starting gate in the paralysis of EVERYTHING and EVERYONE must be perfect before you start. My advice to you, start even if it is ugly!

Opportunity Tracy WorleyLife is not a straight line from start to finish; you have stop signs, obstacles, distractions, and tall buildings to climb toward your finish line to success. When living your authentic-self doors of opportunity you did not see before will appear. . . now which one will you choose? Below are guidelines to moving forward without perfection and finding the door(s) of opportunity you seek.




5 Ways to Authentic Leadership (Self)

  1. Potential: Keep compounding interest (knowledge) on your strengths through coaching, educational opportunities, and mentoring others.
    1. Gifts and Strengths; when you compound knowledge you become the ‘wisdom’ expert in your field.
    2. Weakness; address weakness, be aware of them but do not dwell in weakness. Know what you’re potential and delegate area’s you do not excel in.
  2. What You Want: Knowing what you want and understanding the belief “I can’t” simple does not exist if you are moving in and toward your potential. Everything is obtainable within your gifts, talents, and strengths. Yes, everything is obtainable within your gifts, talents, and strengths with the right attitude!
  3. Character of Achievement: Character is your solid-foundation in supporting sustainable success. Authentic leadership (self) is your self-image and belief you can move toward your goals and finish with celebrated success.
  4. Perfection: Your beliefs, dreams, passions, and growth to your desired goal. Perfection is who you are right now; this is the celebrated success of your perfection!
  5. Celebration: If you love what you are doing, you are NOT willing to lose it.
    1. Celebrate Wins: if you have a goal of closing 20 clients and 3 have signed. This is a time to celebrate the 3! These clients deserve your best in attitude and achievement of 3! And 3 is better than 0.
    2. Celebrate Losses: taking time to learn and glean from losses creates bigger wins for tomorrow.

Authentic leadership is staying in love with what you love and allowing it ignites others; remember when you are living and celebrating your unique self; everyone wants what you are having.

“It doesn’t matter where you have been in the past or where you find yourself today. Growth comes from a positive attitude and the willingness to challenge your self-belief. Courage is the gift of becoming the person you are meant to be. The seeds of courage fuel your heart for change and the aspiration to possess the perfection of your dreams.” ~ Tracy Worley


AuthenticLeadership Tracy Worley


Law of Character is the solid foundation to your life and life stance. Core of your character is your values, beliefs, experiences, and set points. Your dominate thoughts is what you will attract or detract from your success. Be firm with yourself by creating a solid-foundation of belief!

Law of the Lid is the limitation of achieving higher than you can today. A lid inhibits your ability to be more tomorrow than you are today. What self-limiting belief are you stating to be true? See yourself where you want to be and delete the truths you no longer need or want to hold true.

Law of Perfection is your beliefs, dreams, passion, and growth. Through humble learning you can find ‘perfection’ in your purpose, desires, passions, dreams, and value. Perfection is the truth you hold true and set new truths toward your success. Do not wait for ‘perfection’ as the world sees it, step forward without knowing the next step because life is messy and to achieve Authentic Leadership you must model perfection of not knowing ‘everything’ before moving forward. Step out of the paralysis of perceived perfection and move into your perfection of belief!

Law of Celebration is unfolding a more meaningful and greater expression of your leadership purpose. Success is staying in love with what you love and allowing it to ignite others to their authentic leadership style. Remember, when you are living and celebrating your authentic self; “they want what you are having.” If you love it, you are not willing to lose it.

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

Tracy Worley (2015) Authentic Leadership, Authentic Self
Tracy A. Worley (2015) GRACEbreak Radio


You Don’t Always Get What You Want, You Always Get What You Choose

Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential, tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential personally and professionally.

Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential, Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.

Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.

But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential. Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see. These gifts give her the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.

Tracy Worley LeadershipSuccess is a succession of trade offs, you have to give up to go up. The most successful people apply this concept by reviewing their activity often – what they can delegate, what no longer serves a purpose, and the hardest part of this rule is who to give up people to go up. I am not stating to dump your colleagues, family, and friends but to evaluate trading to sustain a higher level of success as you move up. Moving up is all about your potential and what potential means to the quality and quantity of your life.

Think about when you were a toddler riding a tricycle it is easy because there is safety of balance. The next step is a two-wheeler with safety wheels and at some point you decide it is time to trade-up and choose to feel the independence and speed of two wheels. The excitement, fear, and doubt were intoxicating – you knew you would fall but the choice to get what you want over-powers fear and doubt to your success of two wheels.

Your life is all about trade-offs and choice. I love this statement, the hardest part about stealing second base is taking your foot off of first base. I dare you take a stand and give up to go up to be the best you can be every day. No one embraces change or wakes up every morning and states “what can I change today.” I guarantee when you give up – opportunities  you did not see before will appear! Eric Hoffer states, “People will cling to an unsatisfactory way of life rather than change in order to get something better for fear of getting something worse.” 

Steps and Benefits to Choosing Trade-Offs:

  • Trade-Offs Are Opportunities
    • What are the pros-cons  | Will you go through this change, or grow through this change
  • Next Level To Your Potential
    • What are you willing to give up to go up? What or who will you have to give up?
    • Note: not willing to give up something is a key reason most people do not reach their potential
  • Trade-Offs Force You to make Personal Changes
    • When you want something you have never had, you have to do something you have never done before.
    • Change is always possible
      • Change is Personal: to change your life, you need to change
      • Change is Possible: You will be rewarded when you change
  • Loss of Trading Is usually Felt Before Opportunity
    • This is the main reason people fear change, it might hurt a bit (Go back to  your two-wheeler)
    • Transition between change and the fruit of the change is a powerful time of renewed self

Each success only buys an admission ticket to a more difficult problem. ~ Henry Kissinger

  • Trade-Offs Can Be Made At Any Time
    • Better health, habits, education, etc. . .  – It is rarely “too late” to make a change
  • A Few Trade-Offs Come Only Once
    • Go back to pro-cons, timing etc. . .
  • The Higher Your Success (Climb), The Tougher The Trade-Offs
    • Many people stop growing because they have reached a height for which they are no longer  willing to work to get higher
    • The skills you have today are not the skills to get you to the next level
    • Consider your potential – what will it feel like to trade-off to get to your next level of success?
  • Trade-Offs Never Leave Us The Same
    • Fear of change is you will be different on the other side – yes, you will. Is where you are today where you want to remain tomorrow?
  • Trade-Offs Not Worth the Price
    • Trade-offs that will  damage, harm or even ruin an entire life
    • Delayed gratification through the above analysis ensures damage is avoided
    • Value question for all of us. .  . is it worth the price?

The only job security we have is our individual commitment to personal development. ~ Kevin Turner

  • Trade-Offs Worth Making
    • Financial security for potential tomorrow
    • Giving up immediate gratification for personal growth
    • Willing to give up the fast life for the good life
      • Delegate to others | Do what you do best and drop the rest
      • Control your calendar or someone else will
      • Do what you love because it will give you energy | Work and play with people you like so your energy is not depleted
    • Give up some security for significance
      • You will not achieve  your potential while remaining in a safe place (get off your tricycle)
      • Significance means taking chances on others too by helping them find their potential
    • Be willing to give up addition for multiplication
      • Lead others who will lead
      • Seek collaboration partners for just about everything | Share, not hoard, resources and knowledge with others
      • Share credit for achievement | Be a conduit for blessings, not a reservoir of assets – the more we give the more we receive

I challenge you to reflect on the above and ask yourself: Am I on a tricycle of safety or am I continually giving upTracy Worley Leadaership to go up feeling the freedom of a two wheeler! 

Start with one area you have identified to trade-off and once you have done the first one the rest of the area’s will be easier to keep steady and balanced toward the success you desire and deserve!

Want to learn more? Click Below:

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

John C. Maxwell (2012). 15 Invaluable Laws of Trade-Offs, Chap11.
Tracy A. Worley (2015) GRACEbreak Radio



Evaluated Character Is Essential To Your Leadership Success

Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential, tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential personally and professionally.

Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential, Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.

Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.

But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential. Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see. These gifts give her the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.

Evaluated character is your personal core of beliefs and at this core how you personally model and receive the Golden Rule; treat others they way you want to be treated.

My husband and I are not blessed to have children but we certainly love hanging out with our nieces, nephews, and all or friends little ones. Who better to model your words/actions “The Golden  Rule” than the little ones around you. They will certainly “parrot” all of the phrases and actions that perhaps you only want to be seen and said behind closed doors. You know what I am talking about and either you are giggling right now or shaking your head in remembrance of an incident at the grocery story or your little saying a four letter word or catching them having a one-on-one in-depth conversation with your pastor of a story about mommy or daddy.

My mother talks about a story when I was a toddler riding around in the grocery cart. My mom dropped a can of soup and out of my sweet little face came “oh, S_ _ T. My mother was horrified as the lady in the aisle said, ” at least she said it in context of the situation.” Oh MY! This was an opportunity for my mom to evaluate character and lead to a higher success in our home.  I know this is a simplistic story but applied to your daily interaction with your team, where should you be evaluating character to lead to success?

Ladder Tracy Worley

Character of what you say and do in humble honesty opens opportunities for you in the future. It is The Law of the Ladder, Character Growth Determines the Height of Your Personal Growth. Character is something you are today, and you have the ability to change your circumstances by achieving something inside yourself. When circumstances change within, circumstances change outside as well.

The values of character have been studied and in most nations the number one character value admired in leaders is honesty. Norman Scharzkopf states,  Ninety-nine percent of leadership failures are failures of character. Character growth is the Law of the Ladder, the higher your character the higher your growth and people willing to follow you.

Ask yourself and your team to dig deep to evaluate  character and lead to greater growth:

  1. Focus on being better on the inside than on thee outside – character matters
  2. Follow the golden rule – people matter
  3. Teach what you believe – passion matters (borrowed beliefs leave you powerless and passionless)
  4. Value humility above all virtues – perspective matters
    1. Big Picture
    2. Be Teachable
    3. Serve Others
    4. Be Grateful
  5. Finish Well – faithfulness matters

Taking evaluated experience into your character will explode your growth in opportunities you did not see before and or perhaps opportunities others did not trust you with before. This means keeping your core beliefs and integrity when it is the right thing for the right reason even when others disagree or looking to take short cuts.  Short cuts always lead to more work at the end because the solid foundation has not been built for significant success to stand on. 

Habit is the daily battleground of character. ~ Dan Coats

Climb the ladder of significance with the comfort of evaluated character. I guarantee a difference in the opportunities given to you and the strength of your team will explode!  Not sure where to start , please feel free to contact me!

Want to learn more? Click Below:

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

LilTT Tracy Worley

John C. Maxwell (2012). 15 Invaluable Laws of Ladder, Chap9.
Tracy A. Worley (2015) GRACEbreak Radio


Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential, tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential personally and professionally.

Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential, Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.

Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.

But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential. Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see. These gifts give her the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.

DonkeyTeamThe DONKEY leadership principle. Donkeys have the heart and courage to haul large loads and navigate narrow pathways overlooking 10,000+ foot cliff faces. The amazing fact is they navigate the trail without a lead. Just set the Donkey’s on the trail and they will navigate without micro-management.

I am blessed to live in the rugged Rocky Mountains and a lot of our back-country horse friends have swapped out their elegant steed for a Mule or Donkey as they are more steady, less spooked by change, loud noises, and whether the tough terrain without a lot of fuss.

This is great opportunity to look at your team. As Jim Rohn states eloquently, “You are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with.”  Your team spends a lot of time with you and each-other.

I use the word DONKEY as an acronym for leaders to do a quick check of where they are in the spectrum of team awareness:

Donkey Leadership

If you have answered no to any of the above DONKEY questions this is a great opportunity to reflect, respond, and re-evaluate your process to let your team step up to the rock-face with confidence!



Look UP and OUT!

Tracy Worley


Level UP In Leadership Growth

Leadership training course designed to set you up for personal and professional success.


15 Invaluable Laws of Growth is an in-depth study of creating a growth plan for your personal and professional success. No matter where you lead in your home, career, or community this course is for everyone!

At the beginning of every year, people establish goals toward improvement. It’s been said that about 50% give up on their goals and resolutions within the first quarter Legacy Tracy Worleyand a combined 90% before the end of the second quarter.

James Allen, author of “As A Man Thinketh“, wrote Men are anxious to improve their circumstances but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.  Is that you?

Are you well positioned with new goals that you will carry through completion in 2015?  Would you like to learn tried and true principles that are always certain to help you grow?


John Maxwell has been passionate about personal development for over fifty years, and we will get together to study his book “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth” where he shares everything he has gleaned about what it takes to reach our potential.   We will study . . .

  • The Law of the Mirror: You Must See Value in Yourself to Add Value to Yourself
  • The Law of Awareness: You Must Know Yourself to Grow Yourself
  • The Law of Modeling: It’s Hard to Improve When You Have No One But Yourself to Follow
  • The Law of the Rubber Band: Growth Stops When You Lose the Tension Between Where You are and Where You Could Be
  • The Law of Contribution: Developing Yourself Enables You to Develop Others

Tracy Worley will facilitate this 7-week course from late February to April to learn and apply some of the principles in the book that will help you assess your current position, identify the room to grow, and recognize the importance of having a Growth Plan to achieve your goals.

Key Benefits of a Mastermind:

  • Increase your own experience and confidence
  • Sharpen your business and personal skills
  • Add an instant and valuable support network
  • Get honest feedback, advice and brainstorming
  • Borrow on the experience and skills of the other members
  • Study Leadership, Communications and Growth principles/practices in a group setting, create an action plan and have the group hold you accountable for fulfilling your plan and goals.
  • Receive critical insights into yourself
  • Optimistic peer support in maintaining a positive mental attitude
  • A sense of shared endeavor – there are others out there!

NOTE: To allow for better group discussion, this course will be limited in participants.  The login information for this study will be sent to participants prior to the beginning of the study.

STUDY BUDDY: It is always more fun and also push yourself to the next level of success when you have your accountability buddy. Let us know if you are registering with a buddy . . . ask us for the Buddy Discount Code!

GUARANTEE: When finishing the program you feel this program did not shift or lift you to a next level of success, we will refund your investment: No  Questions Asked.

Event: 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth | Tracy Worley & Tami Beich
Topic: 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth | Tracy Worley
Sponsor: Tracy Worley / Tami Beich
Public: Public
Registration: Click here to register.