[Success Secret Sauce] Series 5/8 Are You an Opportunity Owner?

Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential, tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential personally and professionally.

Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential, Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.

Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.

But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential. Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see. These gifts give her the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.

If you want to halt progress in personal or organizational progress just say the word, change.


No one likes change; very few understand how to lead it. One of the main reasons people resist change is the perception of loss, they take it personally. It is like that infamous statement, “the only person who likes change is a wet baby.”

Change is awkward, change rubs against tradition, and the timing maybe wrong. There is a guarantee of failure if change is not embraced when there is a need to do so. Without change there can be no creativity, innovation, and launch to the success you desire and deserve.

“We cannot become what we need by remaining what we are. If you desire growth, then you must embrace change.”~ Max DePree

An optimistic person who has an attitude of adventure and tomorrow will come no matter what happens today is who you want on your team or inner-circle. The heart of success and creating your secret success sauce is you must give up something to go up. As we learn and glean new experiences to be better tomorrow than we are today we cannot continue to do everything or carry everything. This is where leading and delegating change comes to play toward your success.

  • What are items on your daily agenda that should now be delegated?
  • What activities no longer hold value for who you are today?
  • What fear is holding you back from accomplishing your next goal?
  • What time clock are you waiting for; the right times is now and not wait for everything to be perfect.
  • What bogeyman is blocking the doorway?

 “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself-and possibly the bogeyman.”~ Pat Paulson

Attitude toward change is the difference maker in creating the future you want! Change can lead to those things we call PROBLEMS but I see problems as opportunities and not an obstacle. Problems are the gateway to solving and creating innovation. If you watch the show Shark Tank most products or services are solving a problem people or organizations have.

One of my previous clients was Wal-Mart and their culture embraced opportunity vs. problem. Their culture was every Opportunity Tracy Worleyproblem is actually an opportunity to solve and be creative in daily business. They continue this today so when you receive a call from Wal-Mart corporate (any position from executive to associate) they will state, “I have an opportunity.”This is another great example in practice of how one word can change your world.

“Positive thinking is how you think about a problem. Enthusiasm is how you feel about a problem. The two together determine what you do about a problem.”~ Norman Vincent Peale  

I encourage you to look at problems as an open door others are not willing to walk through and create an original idea or product!

Think positive by creating opportunity of new doors you may not have seen before!

Look UP & OUT!

Tracy Worley

Are curious! Do you want to find your secret sauce of being a Difference Maker, and create original ideas through your natural gifts? New series starting in June!

5 Steps to Create The Future You Want

Top4 Is Your Core: Build Your Solid Foundation

John C. Maxwell (2006). The Difference Maker

Tracy Worley (2015) Authentic Leadership, Authentic Self

Tracy A. Worley (2015) GRACEbreak Radio

Tracy Worley is America’s leading grace coach, international key-note speaker, trainer, syndicated radio host, author, and potential seeker, strategist and CEO of three values leadership based organizations. She works with business executives, entrepreneurs, and leaders world-wide to develop potential, tailor employee engagement modules, and turn up the volume on individuals and organizations potential personally and professionally.

Tracy knows firsthand about what it takes to find your potential, Individuals and organizations have individual cultures, stories, and rhythm – Tracy’s innovative style knows how to make it work. With a background in business management, business communication, project management, and life’s drama, Tracy found herself running a multi-million dollar organization at the age of 25.

Tracy knows from life experience the ups and downs of colossal failure and the elation of success beyond imagination.

But it’s exactly all these experiences that built character, knowledge, wisdom, and intuitive insight into individual and organizational potential. Tracy is highly intuitive, perceptive, and a world thinker in connecting what you cannot see. These gifts give her the ability to strategize with clarity where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Tracy’s expertise: training highly successful people to lead with authenticity to the desired success her client’s desire and deserve.