The season of fall is my favorite, with the changing color, crisp morning air and the reminder everything and everyone must have a season of shedding the old and preparing for the new.
Everything matters if you believe in your success, future, and those around you. Simple questions to put into your morning reflection as you set your priorities and purpose:
- Ask: What or who do I need to ask to help achieve the next goal?
- Act: Now that you know, it is your responsibility to take action and/or delegate action.
- Believe: You are now asked to sit back within action and believe! This is the hardest of the three actions as it takes time, perseverance, and tenacious leadership in this stage (modeling, patience, and belief).
Taking time daily lets your thought, action, and beliefs catch up to what you are asking and then question apply the, why. As leaders we tend to forget to continue to ask the WHY and keep moving.
Mark 9:23-24 “…anything is possible if a person believes….I do believe, but help me have no doubts.”
If you have a project you have launched over 3 months ago and have not taken a series “time-out” in reflection of why you started it, where is it now, does it need adjustments, does the project fit within your values and serving clients and or employees? Remember everything matters and everything is possible when you believe.
Challenge Question: Where are your doubts: Renew your day, ask, act, and believe because you matter!
Look UP & OUT!
Tracy Worley
Tracy Worley (2015) Authentic Leadership, Authentic Self
Tracy Worley (2015) Potential² Roundtables™
Tracy A. Worley (2015) GRACEbreak Radio